Sunday, May 27, 2007

Work in Progress: "Food Processing" (2)

Working on Food Processing tonight and wrestling with some of the same issues— the difficult balance between striking, intense colors and opacity to allow the images from behind to show through at times.

This, combined with a series of decisions about detail— enough detail to present a compelling image and enough vagaries to allow the viewer to fill in the blanks— seems to be what has my attention.

I was tempted to leave some of the collage elements blank for an unfinished look that peeks through in broader sections… but didn’t as I was so consumed with getting the relationships of colors right. Maybe this notion will carry over to another piece.

Above, see two working images of “Food Processing,” as I had a few days where my computer was down last week and was unable to post.

Also, I think as I work in the color that I have the blue and pink a bit too “dark,” with a heavy tone. I will likely lighten these up a bit and make them more “powdery” with more white or grey mixed in.

For this, I use some scrapbooking paint that I found in Target to mix with some of the brighter Lascaux acrylics that works nice on the paper with a more pastel representation of the colors.

Because of the problems with my computer, what you see here is separated by about 3 days of work.

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