Have had a lot going on the past couple weeks and have wanted to do a random catch-up on all kinds of good stuff, so here goes:
Michael Davis and Gravity
Michael Davis’ new collection of short stories, Gravity, is out from Carnegie Mellon Press. There are some great early reviews and I can’t say enough for Michael’s work—I have been driving his bandwagon for a long, long time. You can check out more information on MichaelDavisFiction.com and can also purchase the book there. Do yourself a favor and go pick up a copy.
Fort Point Theatre Channel
The Fort Point Theatre Channel is hosting another Exclamation Point event on Friday, May 8th here in the Fort Point neighborhood of Boston. The event will focus around the poetic and the dramatic with poems accompanied with acting and video, pictures, etc. It appears as if they will be producing “Past Color,” a prose poem collaboration between Martin Cockroft and me for this event. More details on locations and times as they become available in the upcoming weeks.
Spring Art Walk
I will be opening my studio for Fort Point’s Spring Art Walk on Saturday May 9th and Sunday May 10th. Definitely more details to come on this one.
UMASS/Boston Alumni Event
I have been asked along with a few other Art Department alums from UMASS/Boston to talk about life since graduating and my career in art, etc. to their current students next week. Sounds as if the Art Department will be taking a video of the event and posting on YouTube. Will give more details once it’s posted.
Hit the Lights
Basically, the group Hit the Lights is monopolizing the airwaves at 617Midway lately. Cry Your Eyes Out, Stay Out… I can’t get enough of these guys.
The Dreaded 4th Chapter
Looks like I powered through the dreaded Chapter 4 of my novel-in-progress today. Needs some editing, but a few strategies for splicing scenes and characters together came together and it turned out OK. Between FunnyOrDie and watching old Dr. Katz videos it’s a wonder I have got any writing at all done recently.
X – O On Canvas
I am not sure if this work shown above is done or not. It keeps staring at me from the wall. Instead, I have been playing with an X – O collage combining The Great Gatsby and catalog images, and a work on paper experimenting with red and black and white.
Oh, that was the other bit. I saw a kid wearing a Great Gatsby tee shirt the other day. I wasn’t sure if I loved it or hated it. What would F. Scott say… that is, between sips of booze?
Michael Davis and Gravity
Michael Davis’ new collection of short stories, Gravity, is out from Carnegie Mellon Press. There are some great early reviews and I can’t say enough for Michael’s work—I have been driving his bandwagon for a long, long time. You can check out more information on MichaelDavisFiction.com and can also purchase the book there. Do yourself a favor and go pick up a copy.
Fort Point Theatre Channel
The Fort Point Theatre Channel is hosting another Exclamation Point event on Friday, May 8th here in the Fort Point neighborhood of Boston. The event will focus around the poetic and the dramatic with poems accompanied with acting and video, pictures, etc. It appears as if they will be producing “Past Color,” a prose poem collaboration between Martin Cockroft and me for this event. More details on locations and times as they become available in the upcoming weeks.
Spring Art Walk
I will be opening my studio for Fort Point’s Spring Art Walk on Saturday May 9th and Sunday May 10th. Definitely more details to come on this one.
UMASS/Boston Alumni Event
I have been asked along with a few other Art Department alums from UMASS/Boston to talk about life since graduating and my career in art, etc. to their current students next week. Sounds as if the Art Department will be taking a video of the event and posting on YouTube. Will give more details once it’s posted.
Hit the Lights
Basically, the group Hit the Lights is monopolizing the airwaves at 617Midway lately. Cry Your Eyes Out, Stay Out… I can’t get enough of these guys.
The Dreaded 4th Chapter
Looks like I powered through the dreaded Chapter 4 of my novel-in-progress today. Needs some editing, but a few strategies for splicing scenes and characters together came together and it turned out OK. Between FunnyOrDie and watching old Dr. Katz videos it’s a wonder I have got any writing at all done recently.
X – O On Canvas
I am not sure if this work shown above is done or not. It keeps staring at me from the wall. Instead, I have been playing with an X – O collage combining The Great Gatsby and catalog images, and a work on paper experimenting with red and black and white.
Oh, that was the other bit. I saw a kid wearing a Great Gatsby tee shirt the other day. I wasn’t sure if I loved it or hated it. What would F. Scott say… that is, between sips of booze?
1 comment:
Glad to hear you're doing another ! event! The last one was fun.
I think I like the idea of a Great Gatsby T-shirt. But I could change my mind on that one.
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