Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just Look At The Little Guy

Here he is, at it again, doing God-knows-what in the name of making the world safer for you and me. The real mystery this time is the lightning bolts that are raining down on his squash as he approaches the gate. Translation:

If you walk near the gate, Zeus shall throw a lightning bolt or two at your head? Or, of course, it could be a reference to Spider-Man. That if your spidey sense starts tingling... watch out.

Speaking of which, how cool was that slow-mo car-flipping deal in Spider-Man 2? Everyone should have a spidey sense.

But my fav part of this one, besides the random thunderstorm depicted, is the silhouette feature. I would guess that the little man puts this in his contract: He demands full body shots whenever he's represented, if possible.

And yes, I do see how the O with the line through it is like a combination X and O. I told you they were everywhere now, didn't I? My buddy Georgie came up to 617Midway today and the first words out of his mouth were:

"Woah. More X's and O's."

Be afraid. Be very afraid. But not as afraid as you would be if you approached a parking gate and the Norse god Thor threw a set of lightning bolts at you.

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