Thursday, April 30, 2009

How It Went At UMASS

As most of you know, I went over to UMASS/Boston yesterday to talk to some of the Art Majors there about life after graduation in a round-table discussion with two other UMB alums—Laura Montgomery, Director of the Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery, and Victoria Glazomitsky, Executive Assistant at the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park. It was esteemed company to say the very least, and a fun opportunity to get back on campus and talk a bit about the art program there, and what an asset it has been to me in my career.

I have to say, with the new Campus Center, UMASS / Boston is on its way out of a cocoon of brick and right angles and gradually morphing into the most gorgeous butterfly on the Boston waterfront. This view has got to be among the best of any university in the country. OK, that is an overstatement. It is called emotional bias, forgive me.

While there, I had the chance to scope out the de Kooning sculpture on campus which I had yet to see—there is surely more coming on this and I got a few nice shots of it too, so stay tuned.

Anyhow, in my talk I came clean on my seven years of undergraduate “studies,” my use of creative writing skills on resumes, my bent toward lazy, and even my opinions on Dunder Mifflen representations taking it a bit too easy on corporate America. All in all it was a thrill to be a part of. It gave me a chance to reflect on the distance traveled these ten years since I graduated, which was pretty interesting for me.

One cool coincidence in my attendance was I learned that the seniors there are holding a show next weekend during Fort Point Art Walk at Front/Bob’s Your Uncle (the same venue as the FPTC is using for their production of Exclamation Point! 6)…. so, make sure to stop by and see some great student work while you are in the neighborhood.

They did video the event, so if it ends up on YouTube I’ll definitely give a heads up.
Thanks again to the UMASS Boston Art Department for inviting me and for the student participation. It was all lots of fun.

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