As you can tell from the pictures above, the Image for Sale opening reception at the FPAC Gallery on Friday was a great hit and a truly enjoyable evening. People seemed to be very interested in all of the work, and they were certainly engaged in discussions about individual pieces and how the whole show worked together.
It was great fun for me to watch people discussing my pieces- explaining what they saw in the buried images and why they thought they might be there/why they were important to the pieces. With the music playing in the Channel Cafe and the great food, the entire atmosphere was very exciting to be a part of.
Overall there were so many positive comments for Kristen Mills and Jessica Hyatt and what an outstanding job they did curating the show; so many people said to me that it was interesting how different Jeffrey, Silvia and my work was from each other, but how great to see it play off of each other in terms of color, form, content and composition.
Many thanks to all my friends who made it a point to be there. It was such a great show of support. I am truly blessed to have such great people in my life.
Looks like I may have secured an opportunity to show in early 2008 out of the evening's festivities. More on that when the dates and details are a bit more firmed up.
For more information on the "Image for Sale" show, please visit the FPAC Gallery website at www.fortpointarts.org
Thanks again to everyone who made Friday possible- it was a lot of fun and an honor to be a part of.
Happy Monday.
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