Sunday, March 29, 2009

New X - O Graffiti Painting

Above, see some shots of my new painting in progress. The canvas is 4 feet x 6 feet and is working off the themes of x's and O's, as these recent works have been.

Working title is something like "Three Red O's" or "Two Red X's and an O." But, will have to wait and see how the finished product comes out. Am also about to commence on some additional smaller works playing with popular iconography and x's and o's.

Am reading Vonnegut's "Bluebeard" again, which has me wondering about the heart of art and expression and representation. Can't help but watch the meditation of my mind during a painting versus a poem or a piece of fiction. There is a quality of my mind squeezing through the emotions of my world when I paint. In the best outlook for this, one would hope this process helps wring them out or express them. Different from fiction, as the craft requires so much of the intellect. And different for me from poetry as this seems to be a bridge between the two. Painting is the emotions swirling while my hand is on the brush.

Have also been thinking more about graffiti, and on that note, Jonathan Lethem's "Fortress of Solitude"... a must for any aspiring tagger. For those who have read: "Dose, Dose, Dose." And for those that haven't: what's stopping you?

These x's and o's are graffiti on canvas for the time being. Representation and emotion in black and white. Three red o's or some such and the painting plods along.

1 comment:

Jess said...

I really like this so far!! :)

My favorite Vonnegut is Breakfast of Champions...