Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally getting to Shepard

So, I've been working (or procrastinating) on a review for the Shepard Fairey exhibition at the ICA for a bit, and finally had a fire lit beneath me. No, not literally, as that would be horrifying... but when I got last week's issue of the New Yorker I saw that Peter Schjeldahl had done his review, and then I got this month's Art in America...

I love reading Schjeldahl. He is one of the bigger reasons I get the New Yorker, and I knew it would throw me off if I delved in before tackling mine. But I couldn't wait to read his piece.

Basically, I wasn't allowed to read any reviews until I finished mine. Just the motivation I needed.

So, part one of three is posted on Click to check it out. Now I am off to read the big guns.

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