Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In-progress Update and Haring part 1 of 2

Watched "The Universe of Keith Haring" the other night and am wary of his use of color seeping into these paintings. I told my friend Paul once that I had to watch who I was reading when I was working on writing as I began to copy rhythms and music unintentionally (see Raymond Chandler, Vonnegut, Alexie, O'Hara, Koch... etc). The same is true with visual art. Have been thinking a lot of Alex Katz with some of these, not to mention others. Also, anytime I use red and yellow I think of Gina coming in my studio a few years back and saying "what's up with the McDonald's paintings?"

So, I am trying to paint non-Haring-esque, non-Ronald McDonald-esque paintings. What more can anyone aspire to?

But watching the Haring was a knock-out. His use of color and line is so perfect, so on point. At times I thought, "those will look like 80's colors" but even though they are high-contrast and bright there is still a quality to them that surpasses an era. Highly recomend the movie.

And as you can see I am painting along. Also, have been catching up on Mad Men. What is better than Don Draper reading O'Hara's "Meditations in an Emergency"? I will likely post that next.

Don't tell Frank O'Hara but Draper does a bang-up job here.

Good God I love Frank O'Hara.

Also, have some working titles here for these paintings: One is "Elmore's 34th," and another is "Barney N. and Coffee Cups." You will have to guess which is which. Not to mention "Everybody Falls in Love on Airplanes."

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