Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In Progress Catch-Up

I have made a few posts of paintings in progress the past few days without much explanation and info. Above, see three shots of paintings currently in progress. Also, there is the one that I included an in-progress detail of a while back.

Likely I haven't been doing much talking on these four new ones as I have been doing quite a bit of painting, drawing, searching for imagery, painting, drawing, etc. So much seems to depend on the squares themselves and the way they relate to one another alongside various colors.

Have been doing much more experimenting on the canvas with these and painting over images and repainting forms to get them just right in the picture plane.

So, 1-2-3-4 in progress and a fifth smaller one with the all-important squares already plotted out. I have found that the vertical presentation works much better. Also, I have found that watching the Dark Knight over and over and watching how each scene is a series of comic book pictures tends to lend itself to the drama of these paintings. As I've said, I've been pouring over comic books and finding ideas for layouts all while trying to translate each individual image into a larger picture and drama.


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