Monday, May 11, 2009

Art Walk Recap: What a Weekend!

What a weekend!

Fort Point Spring Art Walk was a blast. I had well over 250 people come in to 617Midway over Saturday and Sunday, with a lot of great discussion, good feedback, a few sales, and an overall great weekend. From fellow artists to students, collectors and friends the turnout was extraordinary.

And kudos to the Fort Pointers who put it together. The flower giveaway was a stellar success. One of the moms who received one of my flowers (see below) came to my studio and thanked me profusely.

The weather was great and spirits were high. In addition, Wilfredo Chiesa's Capstone Class had their show here in Fort Point over the weekend, so some of the UMASS-ers I met last week came over and stopped by. This show also brought great energy to Fort Point and lots of visitors and people talking about the art. Great stuff.

I know, I know, I haven't even touched on the Exclamation Point! 6 event from Friday night. This was a thrill, and needs more airtime when the pics and video become available, but it was extraordinarly thrilling. Silvia Graziano, who both coordinated the event, and Directed the Past (el) Colors Piece that used a prose poem collaboration of Martin Cockroft and mine, did an amazing job. It is hard to explain the feeling of a poem, of all things, coming to life through all these actors and imagery and direction. John Gayle who provided the visuals for it did a dynamite job and the actors were out of this world. More on this soon, but it was a great kick-off to a great weekend.

Above, see some shots of people in 617Midway over the weekend, as well as one where the sun was playing some great games on top of "Sticker Shock." More photos of the space and the weekend likely to come later.

Hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day, and thank you to all those who ventured to 617Midway and made this weekend such a great success.

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