Monday, August 27, 2007

In Progress Model Consumer and Matisse is more harmful than war

Now that the Model Consumer photo contest is officially over, I am posting a few images of works on paper- both as they have been in progress as well as some more or less finished pictures. I intend to use these for larger collage pieces and paintings as well, but as you can tell, I am having a time of playing with spatial relationships and colors.

The pics above are from works in progress over the last few weeks.

The thing I most can't get over is the idea of painting the "heart" of a store. That, is, in some vague question of consumerism, and what is on the outside of us as we shop for things, painting the true "inside" of a store.

I have been reading a few books here over the past few days. One covers the collage work of Alex Katz, which I had no idea about. The other is the second volume of biography on Matisse by Hillary Spurling (Matisse The Master).

The more I find out about Alex Katz and his work, the more I like it. It was a little shocking to come upon this collage book of his (I had no idea about his work in collage) while I am working away at collages myself.

As for Matisse, the funnest part of the book so far is the extraordinary public outcry at his work. A person would get less attention today for lighting themselves on fire, truly.

My favorite quotes by his contemporaries:

"Matisse drives you mad!"

"Matisse is more dangerous than alcohol!"

"Matisse does more harm than war!"

I have also decided that among all my favorite Matisse works, I especially like "Goldfish." There is something about the shapes and the way they fit, or don't, that gives the sensation of watching something with mass float- in an almost slow-motion- that is exactly what it is like to watch goldfish.

* * * * *

I am working on a number of items this week. Preparations for a few upcoming shows and contests and also I am working on an article for an Arts journal. It is hard to believe we are at the end of August already, and here I am working away at pieces for a few shows.

Have some good news coming up about shows, publications, and some other events. It is shaping up to be a busy and exciting autumn.

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