Monday, June 29, 2009

Oils Too?

Above, see a couple of canvases prepped for painting for this new X-O comic series. And per the subject line, these will be oils.

I usually field a lot of questions on the type of painting I do. "Any oils?" people ask.

"I do one about every two years" I generally say.

Well, look who is on track to double production: two canvases prepped for oils.

I am working with different drawings and images to see what will make the cut. Have to say... That goldfish from a few days back is just itching to make its way on a canvas.

In other news: I am re-reading "The Last Tycoon" by F. Scott Fitgerald, listening to "The Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes" by FOB alot and writing longhand prose in my bid to imitate Elmore Leonard.

Happy Monday everyone.

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