Friday, January 30, 2009

The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes and The Poets Come to Life

What? It's normal to be a poet and an artist and constantly post Fall Out Boy and Yellowcard videos on your blog. Yes, even if you are middle-aged. Yes.

Reminds me of Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore: "What? It's normal for friends to listen to Endless Love in the dark together."

Here are two videos from FOB: The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes, from their still (calm down fans) best album "Take This To Your Grave," and a video for "Thriller," which fascinates me, if only for the mention of poets. Nah, that isn't the only reason. The thing is catchy.

If you want a great laugh, check out the misheard lyrics video on youtube.

1 comment:

Jess said...

"Middle-aged"?? No way, dude. How old are you? 30? or is this classified information?