Friday, January 30, 2009

I’m ****ing Matt Damon

Basically, my friends are all computer illiterate. This, of course, makes it difficult for them to read my blog. It also makes it nearly impossible for us to have a conversation.

Here is an example. I say, “You’ve seen ‘I’m ****ing Matt Damon,’ right?” Or, “What did you think of ‘I’m ****ing Ben Affleck?”

For someone who doesn’t know what you are talking about, these can be fairly awkward conversation starters. So, even though I thought everyone in the known universe had seen these movies, I am posting them here.

Further proof Matt Damon is an acting phenom. For the still unconvinced, please check his cameo in Euro Trip which is acting brilliance.

My current fav moment in the Mattie Damon vid is the tip of the hat to "I love LA," also borrowed in 2Pac's "To Live and Die in LA." But, the whole thing is a delight.


Jess said...

I have to say, I <3 Matt Damon.

Jess said...

I have to say, I <3 Matt Damon, even though he has played some very creepy characters (Talented Mr. Ripley and the "cop" in The Departed).