Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Answered Prayers and San Francisco

So, I have been doing some pre-winter cleaning, which includes my computer and files. A few things I have come across I am not quite sure what to do with, and am considering making like 58 blogs so I can keep story ideas, poems in progress, photos, painting ideas, other writing, etc. in a place that is easy to get to.

Yes, I know this is probably like a hundred years behind the times, but I am a tad slow.

Anyhow, I found some pics of my last trip to San Fran a few years ago and some photos of City Lights books. One of my ideas was to take random self-portraits in random mirrors all over the country. Above, see Self-portrait in City Lights Books.

City Lights is like the mecca of poetry for the West Coast, if not the US.

As for the answered prayers, I was reminded of a trip I made to the Art Institute of San Francisco, and that Iw as doing some serious soul searching as to what my next move should be. The Art Institute is like this cathedral to art with a huge courtyard and a beautiful view of the city. Sitting in one of the classroom/studio spaces I tried to get in touch with my spiritual self, my higher power, God, whatever you want to call it.

"What should I do?" I asked.

I opened my eyes and looked up at the folding chair in the corner.

The bottom three pics are of City Lights. The top one is the universe talking to me.

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