So, November 2nd was Dia De Los Muertos, and on the 1st I headed over to the Cambridge Multicultural Center to take in some of the festivities, as pictured above.
And what better way to say thank you, and to celebrate the end of an era at 617 Midway than in celebration?
Since moving to Fort Point and 617 Midway there are many things to be grateful for: My first three person show (Image for Sale at FPAC Gallery), my first review (Boston Globe), my first solo show (Reference Point at Moakley Courthouse). The X-O paintings, the Mirror/Image series. The catalog paintings. Watercolors, drawings. Poems. Collaborations. Collages. Being invited to join the Fort Point Theatre Channel, participating in Exclamation Points, having a poem produced into a play, being invited to serve of the board of Round Table. Major painting sales. The show Stop Traffic with Jonathan Stark. Group Shows, Open Studios. The list goes on and on.
So, on Dia De Los Muertos I was celebrating the passing of 617 Midway. The end of the era.
Thank you to all of you who made it such a special place of comfort and friendship and art and ideas. For all your inspiration and support.
Thank you 617 Midway. Adios my old friend.
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